About the Grand Lodge
History of the Grand Lodge
The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, A.F. & A.M. was established on August 9, 1906. There were about 900 masons in 29 lodges. As of 2022, there are 2,100 masons belonging to 48 different lodges.
It has always been a source of Masonic satisfaction that Freemasonry in the territory now controlled by the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, received its authority from two Canadian Grand Lodges. The formation of the Lodges was made possible by the enthusiasm of the Brethren, their desire to have fraternal relations, and their belief that the Order would provide a real agency for good in the new country where they were now making a home for themselves and their families.
Saskatchewan's the first Lodge building in Prince Albert
In the year 1879, the brethren of Prince Albert caused the first Lodge in our area to be instituted, under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada. This Grand Lodge later on in 1880 gave them a warrant, and on the Grand Register there appeared Kinistino Lodge No. 381.
In 1882 Kinistino Lodge transferred its allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Manitoba. From then on all of the Lodges, prior to the formation of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, bore true allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Manitoba and we have the following sequence. Each of the first twenty-four lodges was in possession of a charter but the last five were working under dispensation.
1879 Kinistino, Prince Albert | 1904 Saskatchewan, Saskatoon |
1883 Wascana, Regina | 1904 Carlyle, Carlyle |
1883 Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw | 1905 Melfort, Melfort |
1886 Qu'Appelle Valley, Fort Qu'Appelle | 1904* Battle, Battleford |
1886 Indian Head, Indian Head | 1905 Weyburn, Weyburn |
1886 Qu'Appelle, Qu'Appelle | 1905 Arcola, Arcola |
1886 Moosomin, Moosomin | 1905 Rosthern, Rosthern |
1890 Ashlar, Whitewood | 1905 Britannia, Lloydminster |
1893 Maple Leaf. Maple Creek | 1905 Wolseley, Wolseley |
1893 Evening Star, Grenfell | 1905 Estevan, Estevan |
1894 N.W.M.P, Regina | 1906 Swift Current, Swift Current |
1899 Yorkton Yorkton, | 1906 Alameda, Alameda |
1899 Duck Lake, Duck Lake | 1906 Hanley, Hanley |
1902 Sintaluta, Sintaluta | 1906 Heward, Heward |
1903 Amity, Carnduff |
*First instituted 1886; surrendered charter 1901; reinstituted 1904
On the creation of the Province in 1905, there developed a desire for the formation of a Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan. The initiatory move was taken by Wascana Lodge at Regina on April 3rd, 1906. Kinistino, being the oldest Lodge, was asked to act and in pursuance, thereof a convention of representatives of the Masonic Lodges within the boundaries of the Province of Saskatchewan was called to meet on May 25th, 1906, at Prince Albert. A delegation was named to wait upon the Grand Lodge of Manitoba for its consent and in June of that year, this was granted.
On August 9th, 1906, the organization meeting was held in Regina. There were now twenty-nine Lodges, of which twenty-one were represented by their Officers and four by proxies. A Consitution, based on that of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, was adopted.
The first Grand Master was M.W. Brother H.H. Campkin; Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Brother C.O. Davidson; Grand Senior Warden, R.W. Brother H. Jagger; Grand Junior Warden, R.W. Brother W.B. Tate, and Grand Secretary, R.W. Bro. J.M. Shaw
Seal of the Grand Lodge
When the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan was constituted on August 9, 1906, the first Grand Master M. W. Bro. Harry H. Campkin was delegated to have a Grand Seal made.
The final design incorporated the seal of the United Grand Lodge of England but adding the armorial ensign of the Province of Saskatchewan and the date of The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan being constituted.
The description of our Seal is as follows:
- Within an annulus, “Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons”
- At the Top, The Ark of the Covenant, this contained the Ten Commandants, guarded by two Cherubim.
In the centre a shield divided into six parts, these are:
- Top left – Two Towers over the Square and Compass
- Top centre – A golden lion rampant (standing on hind legs)
- Top right – An Ox passant (walking with the right forefoot raised and the head looking to the right).
- Bottom left – Our Saskatchewan Coat of Arms, a crouching lion over three sheaves of wheat.
- Bottom Centre – A man (preacher) with hand elevated, denoting reverence
- Bottom right – A golden eagle displayed or erect, with the wing spread out.

On either side of the shield are two Cherubim or “living creatures” each with an outspread wing. Below the Shield is a scroll bearing the words of our motto “Audi, Vide, Tace” meaning hear, see, be silent. At the bottom, August 9, 5906, the date of the constitution of The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
The right half of the shield is divided into four departments by means of four operative squares. This part of the shield represents the four principal tribes of Israel. These being:
- The lion was the banner of Judah
- The ox was the banner of Ephraim
- The preacher was the banner of Reuben
- The eagle was the banner of Dan