"If you build it, he will come"
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23
Now that we have passed the Vernal Equinox and the snow appears to be finally leaving us, we look forward to
celebrating Easter, starting with Good Friday on April 9. While spirituality is a core element of Freemasonry, there are not
any specific Lodge celebrations related to Easter.
Those celebrations tend to be more common in some of our concordant bodies. For example, both the Saskatoon and
Regina Valleys of Scottish Rite will hold their respective Rose Croix Easter Observances this year. The Sunday morning
Relighting of the Lights ceremony and family breakfasts in both cities are open to the public. Please contact a Scottish
Rite Mason if you are interested in attending and learning more about the Scottish Rite. Some of the York Rite bodies,
such as Knights Templar Councils, also emphasize Easter celebrations.
Masons should never forget the underlying messages of Easter that signal rebirth and renewal of our spiritual
commitments. We are encouraged to demonstrate selfless love and commitment to our fellow man in order to
overcome grief and despair in the world.
We acknowledge the importance of brotherly love and spirituality as essential elements of our Fraternity through this
month’s examples of my theme, “if you build it, he will come.”
- If we emphasize the essence of spirituality that is embedded in Freemasonry, the Supreme Being
will hold a valued place in his heart. - If we practice Masonic Charity as outlined in the Entered Apprentice Degree, we serve our
Supreme Architect. - If you visit him when he is ailing, he will understand the value we place on Brotherly Love.
What might ritual renewal look like in your lodge? How might your Lodge engage newer members in degree work? Are your senior members who might have done certain parts of the ritual for many years willing to give up those parts so that others can experience the same joy of successfully presenting a new part? How might your Lodge support other Lodges with their ritual?
In my recent travels, I have visited Lodges that chose to exemplify degrees, even when a candidate was not immediately on the horizon for that Lodge. Much like a “rusty nail” night, an exemplification of a degree provides the stimulus for Masons to practice ritual and deliver it in a manner worthy of the Craft.
I look forward to hearing how Lodges are continually working to improve their quality of ritual and the benefits gained by doing so.
The Masonic principle of Charity extends far beyond giving out material gifts or money to others. It includes visits to
brothers who are ailing or shut in to bring some happiness, donating time to causes one deems important and reaching out
to those in our communities who are in need. We practice Charity not for personal credit, but for what it brings to others.
That is a worthy goal for all of us as we help to show the world why it matters to be a Freemason.
Let me remind you again of the upcoming Annual Communication and the significant changes to the schedule, as outlined
in my February musings. Registration will be available on-line and through print and fillable PDF forms as of the last week of
April. Note that the deadline for booking hotel rooms at the reduced price in May 1, 2023. A booking link is included with
the registration information.
We look forward to seeing representatives from all Lodges at the Annual Communication for a weekend of fun and fellowship.
Happy Easter!
"If you build it, he will come”
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23