"If you build it, he will come"
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23
As we enter the festive season, Lorey and I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday seasons. I encourage you to take time to step away from the hectic nature of the season and allow yourself to reflect on the principles of Freemasonry and the value of Freemasonry in your life. In this season of giving, many Masons give of their time to support others in their communities, be it through providing roses to widows, food hampers to less fortunate families, ringing the bells for the Salvation Army kettle or other ways that bring positive light to Freemasonry.
December is the month where most of our Lodges install a new slate of officers to lead them for the upcoming year. This important activity serves as the foundation for this month’s examples of my theme “If you build it, he will come.”
- If you, as Worshipful Master, employ and instruct your brethren in Freemasonry through a strong program for the year, he will value the role of leadership in a Lodge.
- If you, as Lodge officers, offer meetings that are run efficiently and effectively and provide the opportunity to engage all the brethren present, he will value attendance at Lodge meetings.
Sections 55 to 62 of the Constitution outline the requirements for Election, Appointment, Installation and Investiture of Officers. Other guidance is available through the Officer’s Manual and Lodge Guide, both of which are available from the Grand Lodge Office.
As officers move to a new chair, they also move to a different location in the Lodge room, which provides a new perspective on the room and the membership. It is also time for the current Master to step aside and allow the new Master to chart his course, while providing such assistance as he may require.
A successful Master recognizes his role as the leader of a team of officers, all of whom are necessary to carry out the work of the Lodge in a efficient, effective and dignified manner. He should be familiar with his powers and duties as outlined in Sections 63 to 65 of the Constitution. He should have a well-planned program for the year to engage his brethren in fellowship, ritual and education. All the other officers should be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of their new offices, while keeping an eye looking forward to preparing for their next steps in Lodge leadership.
I wish all of the newly installed and invested officers success in their positions as we collectively demonstrate why Freemasonry should be the fraternity of choice for men in Saskatchewan.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
"If you build it, he will come”
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23