I remember seeing a Third Degree performed when I was a relatively new Master Mason, and I decided then that there was part of the degree I wanted to be able to perform after I was Installed as Worshipful Master. When I did that part, I was the first person to do so in almost two decades in my Lodge other than the “usual” ritualist. He was glad to have someone else available and was supportive of my efforts. This stuck with me and I have tried to emulate his example and graciousness in the years since.
December sees the Installation of Officers in most of our lodges (a few Install in June) and this is a time to renew the lodge. We offer and pledge our support to the newly Installed Worshipful Master, but we must take that to another step. A new slate of officers means that some responsibilities will change, and we must commit to that to keep our lodges growing and vibrant.
When we have a new candidate, do we look for work that interests and challenges us? Do we offer to try a new part (as appropriate to our rank)? Or do we fall into the trap of “Bob always does that piece” and have nobody else ready with it? Too often we hear that one Mason is the heart of the lodge and that without his involvement the lodge might collapse. This is a tremendous burden to put upon a Brother. We owe it to him and all who have gone before to build our lodge so that it can survive this inevitable absence and move forward without him – there is no greater tribute to his efforts than to continue and to preserve that which he held dear.
We are taught that Freemasonry is a progressive art and science. Progressive means that it is active and vital and that its members are not static. Certainly, there are elements of the ritual that are more appealing to us than others and that will draw our enthusiasm more. Now is the time to find what else you would like to take on if you are a younger brother. Now is the time to mentor that younger brother if you are more experienced (or volunteer to try a new piece yourself). Having a roster of ritualists who complement each other is essential to the individual’s growth in the Craft and the lodge’s growth with its membership.
My travels have taken me several places during the first half of my term as your Grand Master. I look forward to being able to focus more on our Saskatchewan lodges during the next few months and to share in that warm Masonic fellowship which we find throughout our jurisdiction. Remember to check the website (www.saskmasons.ca) for updates on travel plans and events. I look forward to seeing you on those travels. Ask your DDGM about what is happening with the Board of General Purposes – because things are happening.
Above all, Find Your Centre and we will all prosper.
MW Bro. Patrick Davis
Grand Master 2024-25