"If you build it, he will come"
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23
Watching spring begin to emerge during March reminds us of the wonderous cycle of nature that heralds new beginnings and draws our attention to that which was there all along but has been buried under the winter’s snow. This regular rebirth in nature reminds us to consider the same in our Lodges. Is it time to consider becoming more open to new experiences and exploring the challenges of letting go of old habits and beliefs?
Does this suggest that March might be “ritual renewal” month!
We recognize the importance of ritual through this month's example of my theme “If you build it, he will come.”
- If you offer ritual of the highest quality, he will come to appreciate its importance and will value doing the same himself as he progresses through the fraternity because ritual is an essential means of passing Freemasonry from one generation to another and of teaching the noble precepts that have served the Craft for hundreds of years.
What might ritual renewal look like in your lodge? How might your Lodge engage newer members in degree work? Are your senior members who might have done certain parts of the ritual for many years willing to give up those parts so that others can experience the same joy of successfully presenting a new part? How might your Lodge support other Lodges with their ritual?
In my recent travels, I have visited Lodges that chose to exemplify degrees, even when a candidate was not immediately on the horizon for that Lodge. Much like a “rusty nail” night, an exemplification of a degree provides the stimulus for Masons to practice ritual and deliver it in a manner worthy of the Craft.
I look forward to hearing how Lodges are continually working to improve their quality of ritual and the benefits gained by doing so.
On Saturday, February 11 in Saskatoon, approximately 70 Saskatchewan Masons gathered to learn about issues that came to light via the Grand Master’s Special Committee that is investigating bullying and hazing in the Fraternity. As we collectively search for solutions to these issues, it seems clear that more education is required to clear up misconceptions about what a prospective candidate should and should not experience when he wishes to join the Craft in Saskatchewan and as he progresses through the degrees. Further information will follow in the next few months regarding the availability of such education through the Grand Lodge.
Lastly, this is a reminder that all Masons who are members of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, whether they might also be a member of another Grand jurisdiction, as well as any visitors to Saskatchewan Lodges are subject to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan and are expected to respect and follow the Constitution, Regulations, Approved Rulings and the Work of this jurisdiction.
"If you build it, he will come”
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23