It is hard for me to believe that I am past halfway through this Grand journey. I have met many Masons throughout this and our sister jurisdictions, and I plan to meet many more before our Annual Communication on June 20-21 in Saskatoon.
On each of my visits I ask the members of Grand Lodge to stand. Occasionally there is a little confusion as to who that is so this serves as a good opportunity to remind us all of how our Grand Lodge is constructed. Grand Lodge is not solely the Grand Master and the elected and appointed Grand Lodge officers. According to the Constitution:
5. The members of Grand Lodge shall be all Master Masons who are in good standing in a constituent Lodge in Saskatchewan and who are Past Masters, Worshipful Masters, Senior and Junior Wardens of constituent Lodges
Our Grand Lodge was composed this way to ensure that every lodge had equal and fair representation at every Grand Lodge Communication, which is where any changes to the Constitution must be voted favourably on by two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote. This composition prevents any single lodge with a high number of Master Masons from making changes that would benefit it regardless of the impact on other lodges. Similar to the lessons in the degrees, Masons were required to attain a certain level of leadership within their lodge and understanding of the Craft in general before receiving the privilege and responsibility of voting at a Grand Lodge Communication as a member of Grand Lodge.
Master Masons may attend the Communication with the permission of the Grand Master but are not eligible to vote. As a Master Mason, this was where I started to understand the breadth of Freemasonry in Saskatchewan. Travelling with more senior lodge members helped me expand my knowledge. Meeting Masons from across the province introduced acquaintances who have grown into good friends over the years. Just because you can’t vote does not mean that there is nothing to be gained by attending the Annual Communication.
The District Deputy Grand Masters serve as each district’s representatives to the Board of General Purposes and communicates the discussions at the Board back to lodges in his district. If you have questions or concerns, he is to be your line of contact. He should be able to explain any proposed changes to the Constitution or Regulations that may arise from the Board. Don’t be afraid to contact him if you have questions or wish clarification.
Often when we hear “Grand Lodge” in a lodge setting it involves communications or the semi-annual returns and their remittance. More accurately, this refers to the Grand Lodge Office. We have a wonderful employee who works alongside and with direction from the Grand Secretary to make sure that the necessary paperwork and communications are dealt with in a timely and professional manner to keep our organization functioning smoothly for the benefit of all Masons in this jurisdiction.
The Board of General Purposes has been working diligently this year and will present ideas that it believes will keep Freemasonry moving forward in Saskatchewan. Please – talk to your DDGM to find out what is happening. When you receive notice of items to be discussed and voted on at the Annual Communication, consider them carefully and make sure that the rationale makes sense to you. Above all, attend to represent the wishes of your lodge.
I look forward to meeting more of you throughout these next six months (and beyond). Your participation helps this Grand Lodge Find its Center just as I have encouraged you to find yours.
MW Bro. Patrick Davis
Grand Master 2024-25