“Brethren, such is the nature of our institution, that some must of necessity rule and teach, so others must of course learn to submit and obey. Humility in both is an essential duty.
So begins the General Charge that we will have heard at Officer Installations across the province in December. What strikes me most about these two sentences is the burden placed upon each Brother.
To rule and teach with humility is not an easy task. It is easy to ascend to the East and sit in King Solomon’s Chair believing that you are in charge and that everybody will fall in step behind you. The falsehood of that sense of power becomes apparent very quickly. A dictatorial approach faces doom and alienation. How then, do you manage the affairs of your lodge? Where do you see yourself in a leadership position?
As a teacher, whenever we took a group of students out there were some colleagues who wanted to be at the front of the line and to set the pace and direction. I always took a space at the back to make sure that nobody wandered off or was left behind. Communication between front and back was always necessary. Each place has its benefits but also requires cooperation from those in the other position. Know your style and enlist the support of the brethren.
As Worshipful Master you become a caretaker for your lodge. You are entrusted with governing it. You need to have a vision and plan for your term (what you want to accomplish). Your responsibility it to listen to the ideas and concerns of the brethren and to work with everyone in the best interests of the lodge. You must set aside personal ambitions and govern with dispassionate authority.
Submit and obey. This does not mean blind obedience; rather it requires cooperation and assistance as necessary to accomplish the task laid out. Question tactfully if required, but do not call a Brother out in front of others to show that you are more clever. Know what is required of your role and/or office and fulfill those duties. Work with the Worshipful Master for the betterment of your lodge.
Remember your obligations and fulfill its duties. Find your center among the needs of your lodge.
MW Bro. Patrick Davis
Grand Master 2024-25