"Dispensing Light through Happiness”
June: is named after Juno the queen of the Roman gods. In Roman mythology Juno was the protectress of women and marriage. In modern times June is often referred to as the bridal month.
GM Musings June 2022 [PDF]
Brethren: The month of May will soon be behind us and hopefully also winter, COVID and the likes. My term as Grand Master will end in June and I will hand the reins over to RW Bro. Elliott to steer us through the next year. This is my last Musings and I appreciate the feedback I have received regarding the Musings throughout these past two years.
Grand Lodge Communication June 16, 17, 18, 2022
I would like to remind everyone of the 116th Grand Communications in Swift Current. It will be a fun filled couple of days, starting with Golf and the Wine and Cheese on Thursday, and the Banquet and special entertainment on Friday night. There are some resolutions to debate. Remember as Master and Wardens of your lodge you have promised to attend Grand Lodge Communications and represent the brethren of your lodge. Please register ASAP to confirm your tickets. Registration deadline is May 31, 2022.
“Youth is our Philanthropy”
WE NEED CAMPERS! Brethren, the Masonic Youth Camp will held at the Green Grove Camp at Wakaw Lake after a two year hiatus. The Camp is open for students going into grades 9 -12. If your Lodge is unable to sponsor a camper
monetarily, we will find a Lodge to sponsor a camper. This camp is the “Jewel of our Jurisdiction” and has been beneficial to so many youth. Please contact RW Bro. Jonas Cossette or RW Bro. Troy Leblanc for further information. Registration deadline is June 13, 2022.
Leadership and Legacy: Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization. Everyone has had to be a leader at some point in their life, whether it is coaching kids, guiding your family or chairing a meeting. Freemasonry encourages all Masons to be leaders and is structured in a way that allows each man to hone his leadership skills. In the General Charge it lays out some of the characteristics of a good leader. These include integrity, administration of justice, resolution, leading by example and always working for the cause of good. A good leader will always try to bring the best out of people. A good leader understands that decisions and actions have an impact on everyone around. A leader’s legacy will not only be reflected in the goals accomplished but by those people touched in a positive way, inspiring future leaders.
I hope I have inspired some of you with your goals and leadership aspirations over these past couple of years .
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven in the lives of others.”
“ The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”
Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
Stay safe and Happy!
MW Bro. Dan Olmsted, Grand Master, 2021-2022