"Dispensing Light through Happiness”
January was named after Janus, a two-headed Roman god. The temple of Janus was situated at the city gate of Rome, where his statue had one face looking towards the city, and one beyond the gate. January stands at the gateway of the year, with one face looking towards the past and one towards the future.
GM Musings Jan 2022 [PDF]
Another year has gone by, and I hope everyone had a good Christmas and was able to relax with families and friends. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its new variants, Delta and Omicron. We are all tired of having to deal with what has been proven to be a deadly virus to over 900 people in Saskatchewan. We cannot let ourselves be overwhelmed by the evolving science and curve balls this virus continues to throw at us. We must learn to live with the virus and continue to exercise caution in our social settings. We all know that masking indoors, social distancing and vaccinations are proven to minimize the spread of COVID and gives us greater protection from the deadly effects of the virus; therefore reducing the strain on our health care system.
We are fortunate in Saskatchewan that we have not had to deal with other disasters, like the recent rash of tornados in Central USA or the flood in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley. There were no lodge buildings damaged by the flood in BC; however, some of our brothers have suffered losses.
The Grand Lodge of BC & Yukon has established a “Flood Relief” to assist Masons that are affected by the flooding. You can send donations by cheque payable to: The Grand Lodge of BC&Y, 8555 Government Street, Burnaby, BC V3N 4S9 and tagged “Flood Relief” or E-transfers can be made to “etransfer@freemasonry.bcy.ca and tagged “Flood Relief”.”
Although the past year has been a difficult one, hold on to those fond memories of 2021 and start the New Year with a clean slate and fresh outlook on life. Look forward to the things that are yet to come, with optimism and happiness.
Temperance: is defined as the habitual moderation or voluntary self-restraint. Temperance is often thought of as only the restraint to overeating and the abstinence from alcohol. The holiday season always tests our ability to restrain our indulgences for food and drink. We as Masons embrace a wider range beyond the restrained indulgence of food and drink that also includes the moderation in action, thoughts or feelings, and we view temperance as one of the four cardinal virtues.
It is more imperative than ever to practice habitual moderation and not overreact in these unprecedented times of polarization, intolerance and pandemic fatigue.
“Temperance is a mean in regards to pleasure.”
“Temperance in everything is the requisite for happiness.”
Benjamin Haydon
I hope the best for you and your families, Stay safe, and may the New Year bring you prosperity and happiness!
MW Bro. Dan Olmsted, Grand Master, 2021-2022