"Find Your Centre"

MW Bro. Patrick Davis, Grand Master, 2024-25

GM Musings March 2025 - Davis


Whence come we?

As I write this the Arctic vortex that has gripped our province is promising to leave. Perhaps you were fortunate to travel to a warmer climate to escape it. Perhaps you have been waiting for better temperatures to resume your visits in Saskatchewan.

If you have had the good fortune to meet another mason while travelling, you may be familiar with the common ways in which masons identify themselves to one-another. You may spot the square and compasses on a ring, a shirt, a hat, a windbreaker, or other piece of clothing. A tattoo on someone’s forearm can be hard to miss. We can easily walk over and introduce ourselves as a brother, but there are other coded ways to satisfy one’s status as a Brother.

  • How old is your mother? This refers to the number of your lodge. I was asked this by a server in a Calgary steakhouse who spotted my ring. I answered that she was 213, but that she lived in Saskatchewan. It can be the start of a discussion about lodges, where they are situated, and how things are going.
  • I see that you are a traveller. Masons have long been thought of as travelling men, especially when visiting other lodges or jurisdictions. The correct answer is “yes” and, if asked where you travel from, the response should be “from the East towards the West.”
  • Do you travel from the East? Similar to the previous statements, this reminds us of our journey in search of the genuine secrets. This question allows a brother to start further conversation.
  • Have you seen my dog, Hiram? Lots more information can be asked about this dog. It could be a small dog with a blue collar. I heard a brother talk about a lengthy description about this mysterious dog that he had with a fellow traveller in an airport – it befuddled everyone who overheard but they knew that they could share more between themselves.

When we travel within our jurisdiction it is not uncommon to know a brother who can vouch for us to his Mother Lodge. When we travel to masonic events or conferences, we expect to be recognized through pre-registration but also bring a dues card that can be inspected if required. If travelling outside of Saskatchewan and you wish to visit a lodge in another province or country, contact the Grand Lodge Office sufficiently in advance to obtain the necessary credentials to present (namely a letter of introduction on Grand Lodge stationary and signed by the Grand Secretary). The Grand Lodge office can also confirm that the Lodge you intend to visit belongs to a Grand jurisdiction that we are in amity with – otherwise you would be forbidden from attending.

Recognizing a brother when on the road can lead to some uplifting experiences and remind us of the breadth of our fraternity around the globe. Be attentive to these opportunities and cautious in your identification of a genuine brother and you may find yourself in the midst of a wonderful visit and a story to recount upon your return. Whether near or far, take advantage of the opportunities to travel and to meet with other brethren.

Find your centre relative to your travels within the Craft.

Fraternal regards,

MW Bro. Patrick Davis

Grand Master 2024-25