"Dispensing Light through Happiness”
November was the ninth month when the year was but ten months, before the reforming of the calendar by Julius Caesar. Its name was taken from the Latin word that means “nine.” After January and February were added, its name was not changed.
GM Musings Nov 2021 [PDF]
The ongoing pandemic will likely cause communities to alter or cancel Remembrance Day ceremonies. If you cannot attend a ceremony in your community, please pause for a minute of silence on November 11 at 11:00 am to remember the fortitude and selfless acts of our veterans and peacekeepers, some of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice to secure the freedom we enjoy today. Take time to remember the front line workers on the home front, too.
It is good to see that many of the lodges are meeting in person again. There are some lodges that have not met since March of 2020. I would encourage all lodges whether you are meeting or not to reach out to all your brothers, whether it is just a simple phone call or email to see how they are doing. Please continue to send out notices to your members whether you are meeting or not, and remember to send a copy to Grand Lodge to post on the website.
I must remind everyone that the fourth wave is still rampant in Saskatchewan and modelling predicts ICU admissions will continue to rise until January without additional public health orders. Please try to keep your bubbles small and remain cautious, whether you are vaccinated or not.
Fortitude: is one of the four cardinal virtues adopted by Freemasonry. It is defined by the Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia as the steady noble purpose of the mind whereby we are enabled to undergo pain, peril or danger when prudentially deemed expedient. It is often called courage, but fortitude must not be mistaken for the foolhardiness of rushing into danger without exercising prudence and/or measured reason. Fortitude is a moral virtue when there is a steady perseverance and strength of mind to overcome all difficulties in the pursuit of good. We would be a much different world if our forefathers did not have fortitude—the pioneers who settled this country , the soldiers who paid the ultimate price that allows us to live in a free and democratic society. As well, we would be remiss if we were not thankful for the fortitude of the brethren who came before us to ensure that Freemasonry would continue throughout the centuries, thereby insuring continuation of the benefits and fellowship of our great fraternity we enjoy today.
“Moral fortitude is not only having the courage to stand for what you believe in, but having the strength of character to believe in what you will stand for.”
Michael Springer
“Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.”
John Locke
Stay Safe and Happy.
MW Bro. Dan Olmsted , Grand Master, 2021-2022