"If you build it, he will come"
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23
This month’s example of my theme “If you build it, he will come” has to do with membership and mentorship:
• If you sponsor a candidate and explain to him the nature of Freemasonry before he signs an application and mentor him throughout his entire Masonic journey, he will more likely find our institution to be worthy of our time.
• If you engage the newly initiated candidate and make him feel important and at home, he will desire to attend Lodge meetings.
Far too much has been written about the Mason who is doted on during his initial interview and throughout his initiation, passing and raising and is then shuffled off to the side and left to fend for himself. These are often the brethren that we lose early in their Masonic journeys. Sponsors should commit to helping their new brother practice his memory work so that all can be proud of their accomplishments and to set the bar high for what is expected of him in the future. Our oral tradition of ritual is one of the elements that separates Freemasonry from many other organizations.
The efforts the Lodge in general, and the sponsor in specific, put into keeping new brethren engaged will generally be richly rewarded with a new member who begins to better understand how what he learned in his three degrees serves as the foundation for his Masonic learning. Consider taking a new brother to other lodges to see the degree work as an observer. No doubt he will be surprised to see all that took place that he could not remember immediately after each degree. He can also begin to take part in lodge ceremonies, perhaps with the flag charge or an apron charge, along with helping at refreshment to engage in conversation with other brethren month after month.
My upcoming travel schedule is posted on the Grand Lodge website at www.saskmasons.ca. Further details are available on the Calendar, which is only accessible once logged in to the member's area. To obtain an account to access the member’s area, please follow the directions on the bottom of the home page.
I look forward to invitations to visit your Lodges and participate in your special events.
"If you build it, he will come”
MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23