Oct 26, 2022
"If you build it, he will come" MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23 GM Musings November 2022 - Elliott (PDF) As we enter November, we recall the ultimate sacrifice that many Canadians made in service to their country. By participating in the act of remembrance...
Sep 23, 2022
"If you build it, he will come" MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23 GM Musings October 2022 - Elliott [PDF} As the thoughts and smells of turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie permeate the land, we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. The current date...
Aug 18, 2022
"If you build it, he will come" MW Bro. Dean Elliott, Grand Master, 2022-23 GM Musings September 2022 [PDF] As summer fades away and we celebrate the start of fall with Labour Day and the Labour Day Classic, we also celebrate our return from summer refreshment...
May 31, 2022
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” June: is named after Juno the queen of the Roman gods. In Roman mythology Juno was the protectress of women and marriage. In modern times June is often referred to as the bridal month. GM Musings June 2022 [PDF] Brethren: The month...
Apr 19, 2022
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” May is named for the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants and also from the Latin word maiores, “elders,” who were celebrated during this month. Maia was considered a nurturer and an earth goddess, which may explain...
Apr 15, 2022
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” April is the second month of the spring season and the fourth month of the year. In this month, the winter snow melts and spring rains nourish the earth, which warms and opens up to give new life to grass, trees and flowers. The...