Mar 5, 2022
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” March, which was the first month of the year, is now the third. To this month, the first of spring, the name of the famous Mars, god of war was given. Mars was fond of storm and strife, and the name was very appropriate for this...
Jan 26, 2022
“Dispensing Light through Happiness” February received its name for the Latin word which means “to purify,” for in this month people purified their homes and offered sacrifices to the gods, who loved order and cleanliness. “Because in certain...
Jan 3, 2022
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” January was named after Janus, a two-headed Roman god. The temple of Janus was situated at the city gate of Rome, where his statue had one face looking towards the city, and one beyond the gate. January stands at the gateway of the...
Dec 1, 2021
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” December was the first month of the winter season and the tenth month of the year a century before the birth of Christ. When Julius Caesar reformed the calendar and added January and February, making December the twelfth month, its...
Nov 3, 2021
"Dispensing Light through Happiness” November was the ninth month when the year was but ten months, before the reforming of the calendar by Julius Caesar. Its name was taken from the Latin word that means “nine.” After January and February were added, its name was not...